Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fighting anxiety

I have chronic anxiety. Some days even going out to supermarket is hard for me. My anxiety has peaked in recent days and I had a few panic attack as well. So I am reading up on ways to reduce my anxiety. Here is an article: “4 Everyday Habits For Natural Anxiety Relief”
It suggests:
-Exercise. Yoga works for me if I can bring myself to start. That whole concentrating on your breathing and muscles is a sure way to take my mind off of my anxiety triggers. Another way is putting on a fast beat music and start dancing. I usually don’t have energy for this but it works great!

-Green Tea. I am drinking at least two cups per day (12-16 Oz). Although I have found a tea specially formulated to treat stress and anxiety.
-Comfort eating. Snacking is good but I should be very careful to not turn into a compulsive eater. Sugary snacks are great initially (high/ sugar rush) but cause a crash (depression/ stress) soon afterward. Dark chocolate is great but in moderation. I’ve started to like a protein snack specially in the afternoons: either a protein shake or a bit of cheese.

-Sleep. Yes! When I’m anxious I sleep badly. Recently I am taking Melatonin tablets (3-5 mg per night) to insure an undisturbed night sleep. I am careful to not become dependent on them though.

Still sometimes, none of these techniques work. I depend very much on my breathing exercises and hourly mantra of “everything is gonna be alright”, “it’s ok” and “I can do this”.

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