Wednesday, August 20, 2014

“Good things come…

…to those who wait”.
It’s a total bull in my opinion. Maybe because I am not the patient type. I want things to happen when I want them and the way I want them, not a minute sooner (before I am ready!) or a minute later (what’s taking so long?!). You may say I have control issues! But really, haven’t you wondered how long you wait for wonderful things to happen in your life? Worse is the fact that most of the times you are waiting for normal everyday things to take their course and get to a point when you can act: paper work in offices takes forever, if it is through a civic office or a university you need to double or triple the time. Am I complaining? Sure, it has taken more than two weeks for some office worker to send three emails and process one online form and I’m still waiting for results! You bet I’m frustrated since I can’t act and can’t plan anything till I know the outcome. 

I am not good with waiting, not at all. I am the planner, the take action kind of person and to plan or act, I need sufficient data. When that data is not available, I feel confused and frustrated. I have tried to do things not related closely to whatever is taking time, doing indirect preparation and all of that but still after 2-3 weeks, I got to a point when I can’t wait any longer. 

All that to say, just a few days ago I was telling a friend that patience is a virtue!

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