Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Law of karma

Whatever you sent out into the world, it comes back to you one way or another. This rule is easy to understand in regard to our interactions with others, example: if we hurt someone’s feeling, someone else is going to hurt our feelings and so on. However it also applies to how we treat ourselves and what kind of thoughts and emotions about ourselves we send out into the world. If we keep saying and believing negative thoughts about ourselves, we will receive negativity from the world too. Doesn’t matter if you whine and complain out loud or just in the privacy of your mind, you will feel low and see everything in a negative light and will attract bad luck. You will miss opportunities because you can’t see them as something good or positive. Your friends with positive attitude will eventually abandon you (who wants to hear whining and complaining every time they meet a person?) and you will end up with a group of pessimists around you. That, of course, won’t help you and your outlook on life.

And yes, I know all these. I am staying away from Nay Sayers and whiners and complainers. I apply positive visualization techniques (not daily, but I’m getting there!). However, for me, a hardcore pessimist, the changing of my inner dialogue is the hardest part ever. Focusing on the positive and seeing the half full part of the glass doesn’t come naturally to me. Even when something good happens to me, I look for the catch or the hidden flaw. In addition, I have this monologue running constantly at the back of my mind that “I can’t do this”, “It’s gonna end bad”, “It’s gonna hurt my feeling”, “I’m not good enough to…”, “It won’t work no matter how I try”… which I have to deal with. I can’t turn it off but I am trying to turn on a positive one consciously: “I can do this, I have worked harder than this, I have dealt with more difficult situations, it’s gonna be fine, I’m doing great, It’s gonna be alright,…” and as you can guess it is a constant struggle. Nonetheless, I am a firm believer in the law of Karma, actually the version I believe in is called the Three Fold Law “Whatever you send out, comes back to you three fold”, therefore for me the first step in becoming a happier person is to change my attitude and outlook. I need to adapt a positive view on life if I want positive things in my life. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? well, repeat after me: “it’s gonna be alright, it’s gonna happen, I can do this,….”

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